minaQのつぶやき 네토미나



  Russian Navy Expert Team’s analysis on the Cheonan incident

A group of Russian Navy experts visited the Republic of Korea from May 30 to June 7, 2010, reviewed the ROK sponsored Joint Investigation Group (JIG) report and
 collected material necessary for analysis and experiments.


 The following are the conclusions reached based on the analysis of and
 experiments on the materials given to the team of Russian experts.


1. The explosion of the Cheonan can be categorized as a non-contact explosion
 below the ship.


2. The ROK sponsored JIG’s conclusion on the sinking of the Cheonan is not
 correct because of the following reasons:

Before the sinking, the bottom of the Cheonan ship touched the shallow ocean floor, and all wing
blades of its right screw (propeller) and two wing blades of its left screw (propeller) were damaged, and the damaged propellers were scratched so badly that they becameshiny and wide areas of the
 screws werescratched by friction. The body and the end parts of theaforementioned propeller
 wing blades were additionally stretched. One wing blade of the right propeller has a metalliccrack
at the edge, which is inconsistent with the ROK JIG’s opinion “The distortion of the right screw
of the ship is due to a sudden stop of the right screwaxle”.

 - Remnant fishing nets were found entangled around the right screw axle of the damaged ship.
 This contradicts the ROK’s claim that there were no fishing zones in the area of the ship’s
 - It may be possible that the presentedtorpedo part was made in North Korea, but the ink mark
 is inconsistent with the normal standards of marking (the location and the method of the mark).
Visual examination of the torpedo partindicates that the torpedo had been in the water for more
 than 6 months.
 証拠としてその破片が提出された魚雷が北朝鮮で製造されたこともあり得るかもしれない、しかしインクのマークは、標準的なマーク(マークする位置や方法)とは一致していない。魚雷のその(*錆の)部分を見れば、それは魚雷が6ヶ月より長い期間海中にあったことを示している。 (*2)
 - The area of the ship’s accident is at risk of ocean mines, which is indirectly proven by the
fact that the docking locations and voyage paths are restricted to the west seacoast of the Korean peninsula.
The Russian experts’ conclusions are the following.
1. It is confirmed that the cause of the sinking of the Cheonan  is due to an explosion outside
  the ship and in the water.
2. Before the sinking, the Cheonan ship touched the ocean floor  on the right, a fishing net was   entangled in the right propeller and the right line of the axle, which damaged the propeller
  沈没する前に、天安号は右舷が海底と接触し、また漁網が右スクリューと右の軸に巻き付いた、そ   してそれがスクリューの刃にダメージを与えた。
 Due to the entanglement of the fishing net with the right propeller and axle line, the Cheonan
  ship must have experienced restrictions in its speed and maneuvers.
 The Cheonan ship was traveling in a shallow area close to the coast  and was entangled with
 the fishing net, and while it was moving to deeper water, the bottom of the ship might have
 touched an  antenna of an ocean mine, which ignited the explosion of the mine.
 天安号は沿岸に近い浅瀬を航行していて、漁網が巻き付いた、そこで、深い水域に移ろうとしている  間に、船底が機雷のアンテナに接触しそれが機雷の爆破を誘発した、という可能性があるかもしれな い。
 Another possibility is that the ship was traveling with its malfunctioning navigation system and   with a restricted maneuvering capability, it might have been exploded by a ROK’s torpedo.
 別の可能性としては、天安号はナビゲーションシステムが誤作動したまま、限られた航行能力となっ  ていたところを、韓国の魚雷によって爆破(*誤爆か)されたかもしれない、というものである。
3. The torpedo part that ROK presented seems to be an electronic torpedo  with a radius of 533  mm. However, we do not conclude that this particulartorpedo was launched to and impacted on
  the Cheonan ship.
 韓国政府が提出した魚雷は、半径533mmの電子魚雷であるように見える。 しかしながら我々は、こ の特別な魚雷が天安号に向けて発射され、それが同艦船に衝撃を与えたとは断定しない。 

責任の所在ですか 韓国人に責任なんて言葉ないですから うやむやになってしまうだけです